Our Goal:

Spread Awareness and Assist Youth Injured Athletes with Mental Health Struggles​

Our Mission

The Athlete’s Mind is an organization that hopes to provide awareness about mental health among injured youth athletes. We produce podcasts and interviews with mental performance coaches, professors, and athletes who’ve dealt with previous mental health difficulties. Through our work, we hope to provide guidance and resources for young athletes experiencing mental health setbacks. 

Our Founder

Hi! My name is Oliver Boesch, and I’m the founder of The Athlete’s Mind. In this section, I want to share with you why mental health among injured athletes has become such an important issue to me.

From a young age, I’ve actively participated in sports, including soccer, swimming, and running. I am currently a member of my school’s Varsity cross-country and track teams, where my team and I have had great success, including two California State Championship. Yet, despite my achievements in sports, I’ve consistently dealt with injuries. These included stress fractures in my tibia and cuboid, stopping months of training. Whenever I’m injured there’s a mental component that feels as if all progress grinds to a halt. I essentially have to place a core defining activity on hold. 

However, in early 2023, I began realizing the drastic effects injuries can have on someone else’s mental health. My brother, an avid athlete, learned he got a hip labral tear, ruining his chance of participating in that year’s track and cross country season. I witnessed the demoralizing effects this had on him as he became withdrawn. Having also personally experienced the effects of injuries and realizing the limited mental health support among high school athletes, I realized the need to spread awareness about this issue. That is why I created The Athlete’s Mind, hoping to help young individuals find the necessary resources and understanding to deal with injuries while ensuring their mental well-being. 

I’ve become super motivated to inform more people about this issue, and I hope youth athletes with similar experiences will find a resource for comfort and a community to share experiences with.

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© 2023 | The Athlete’s Mind